O.S.S.A.E (Sunday School)
O.S.S.A.E CENTRAL OFFICE,Devalokam P.O Kottayam 38. South India.
: dgossae@gmail.com
O.S.S.A.E CENTRAL OFFICE,Devalokam P.O Kottayam 38. South India.
: dgossae@gmail.com
The Director, OSSAE - Outside Kerala Region, C/o St.Thomas Orthodox Theological Seminary, Kalmeshwar P.O, BrahmaniUbali Road, - 441501,Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
: Mobile : 09823740567 (Nagpur) 08888722165 (Kerala)
: ossaeokr2013@hotmail.com
St.Thomas Bhavan,Orthodox Youth Centre,Old Seminary Rd, Chungam,Kottayam, Kerala 686001,
: indianocym@gmail.com
Catholicate Office , Devalokam P OKottayam -686004Kerala, IndiaTel : 0481-2574457, 2578500(extn: 204)
: Email: office@ardramosc.org
Orthodox Seminary, P.B. No. 98, Kottayam 686001
: 9400084784, 0481-2566526, 2568083,
: divyabodhanamots@gmail.com
Need to update your Directory information?
Email webmanager@mosc.in
Malankara Orthodox Church
Catholicate Palace,
Kottayam - 686 004
Phone: 0481 2578500, 04812578499